November 10, 2012

2012 This this shit just won't end

Ok jerks and non-jerks, because we are wrapping up the the mixing on our new music, and have no biography or history of our band at all and everybody else seems to take their bands seriously, I figured I'd drop a few cents on the Much Worse chain of events:
      So we are some real inept, lazy, distracted dudes, but as it turns out, these characteristics actually make for pretty good punk rock records. You see patience is really the key, man. Gotta keep one foot in the grave, continually. Not just for a few months, but like years on end. The real trick is just to outlast all the other fools. We've been some sort of band all of like 6 years pretty much, so its kind of weird to think we are only now completing a real full-length type of record that takes more than 15 minutes to listen to.

   Initially we were just trying to be a "studio" kind of band. Like all those black metal bands in Europe.  But, because not even punks know how to play their own genre of music a lot of the time, people really started to ask us to perform, which we did- to great acclaim in the way of meaningless violence, slack jawed wonderment and drunken bemusement. 
    Basically in 2010 our first 7" "Proper Execute" was recorded and accurately portrayed a feeling of impending doom and fiscal futility. A most immediate expression of Midwest paranoia and bombastic alienation that helped make us a lot of friends and get to open for bands that are way good. Like GRIDE. and PLF. and PAINT IT BLACK. and DILLINGER FOUR. Plus like way more that are not quite as memorable as goddamn GRIDE and shit. We toured the Midwest and East coast that summer.
    After after having my skull peeled back from the year 2010, we were expected to churn out another record of intense inner-damnation and tight as a whip Italian/Japanese HC emulation. In 2011 we recorded the "Absolute Nightmare" 7" put out on No Way records. Considering 2 out of the 5 songs were older than any of the songs on the first 7", we did not expect any of the reaction that it received. Being called the "Best record of 2011 so far" in the MRR review, we already expected to be shunned, resented and called generic by jealous ponx, but such is the nature of hyperbole and exaggeration. We toured with Brain Tumors through the Midwest and East coast that summer as well, which you can read on their blog which is more entertaining than ours.
  I should probably comment on the formation of Brain Tumors because MRR can't even write a review of one of their records without mentioning us.
      Basically Minneapolis is a really small, big city and if you go to punk shows here for even a month or two you'll have met like most of them. Then when people like Joel Gomez of Brain Tumors move here Raleigh, NC with their knowledge and enthusiasm for obscure Hardcore it can cause an all out Distort the Twin Cities effect. They are also real old and ugly, while we are mostly young and good looking so we've had pretty sweet lives in comparison. This must have made them mad enough to start a more entertaining punk band. We are all friends tho, as is everyone in Minneapolis.
   So anyways, we have a bunch of songs that we will be releasing somehow relatively soon hopefully. We are poor so it might take a while.
   Thanks for nothing,

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